America's Black Collegians (ABC) Club

The America's Black Collegians Club will offer members timely and up to date information on jobs, career planning, investments and financial planning, recreation, leisure activities, and travel. The ABC Club Newsletter will cover these topics and more to give members the information and tools they need to help increase their quality of life and better prepare for the future.

For membership, please provide the following information or write us at:

ABC Club
Post Office Box 19776
10 16th Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21225

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Privacy Statement
We respect and value the trust you have given us by becoming a member of the ABC CLUB and supporter of the EDUCATE BLACK AMERICA initiative. The information you share with us will ONLY be used for internal purposes to advise and alert you to new opportunities and information in your areas of interest. We will also from time to time update you on new programs that generate direct support to the America's Black Collegians Scholarship Fund. At NO time will personal information on ABC CLUB members be shared with outside third parties. When ABC CLUB members deal with our corporate affilates and the education community, each entity will also be responsible for adhering to its own privacy policy. We have taken every step in selecting our corporate affiliates to choose leading American companies with records of unquestionable integrity. Colleges and universities are required to follow Federal privacy laws.